Sunday, May 8, 2016


Sometimes it is convenient to copy something from a document or file and paste it into the Windows command line. Long commands are easily mistyped and a copy-and-paste operation is often the best way to proceed, The usual keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V doesn’t work but there is an easy way to enable copying and pasting into the command line. 

Here is the procedure:

Step 1: Open CMD, Just type CMD in search or Press Win + X key to select Command Prompt.

Step 2: Right Click on the Title of the CMD window and Select Properties just like its shown in the below Picture

Step 3: You will see a Pop up Window coming up, Now on the Right hand side, Under Edit Options, Just Check Quick Edit Mode and click OK

Step 4: Everything is Done, Now just Copy any Text from Here or Anywhere else

Using CTRL + C keys and just Right click using your mouse on CMD. You will see that the text is been pasted automatically in CMD. Please Understand that Using CTRL + C to Copy text is Important.

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